September 30, 2009 as Pawed by Daisy Mae (with a little help from Jim Hamel) Who is Daisy Mae, she is the new PAW investigative automotive writer for Bark Buckle UP. She is an 8 year old Boxer who, until recently, called Boxer Rescue Los Angeles her only home. As a senior citizen among many adorable Boxer pups, her chances of being adopted seemed pretty dim. But James Hamel, a freelance auto journalist who works from home, adopted little Miss Daisy Mae and has put her to work helping him write reviews. She now travels with him in every vehicle that he tests and offers up her unique take on what makes a vehicle or product truly “Pet Safe.”
It all happened so fast. I was sitting in the back seat of the 2011 Scion tC coupe that my daddy (I just call him that even though I am older than him in dog years) had been road testing for the past week. My daddy writes auto reviews for different websites but he doesn’t have to work in an office. He works freelance which I think explains why he walks around without a leash.
He had the windows down so I could enjoy that wind in the fur sensation and I was feeling safe in my restraint harness that was attached to my new Kwik Connect Tether by the Pet Buckle Brand. Then all of a sudden a driver in a silver hatchback darted across three lanes of traffic right in front of us. My daddy slammed on the brakes so we wouldn’t hit the other car and I braced myself for impact. But the thing is there was no impact. Not for the cars and definitely not for me.
When my daddy has had similar things happen in coupes with small back seats I have usually wound up slamming into the back of his seat. Yes, even when I was wearing a safety harness. But this time, thanks to the Kwik Connect Tether by the Pet Buckle Brand, I was securely attached to the tC’s child seat anchors which kept me from flying too far forward in that panic stop.
It is amazing, even with this Kwik Connect Tether securely attached it still allows me enough room to comfortably move around in the back seat. But it doesn’t give me so much room that I get injured in a panic stop. That makes me think it will also keep me safe in an accident. I may be an old dog but I think I just learned a new trick.
When offered the opportunity to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for Bark Buckle UP’s “Be Smart Ride Safe” campaign, I was honored. In addition to Mission: P.E.T.S.’ complete faith in the company and its messages, we were thrilled to help share and spread our collaborative knowledge about safety for our families... and that includes our animals.
Like I stated in the video, safety costs us nothing -- only a few extra moments of our time -- Yet, a lack of precautionary measures can cost us everything; including the health, or lives, of our animal companions. At Mission: P.E.T.S. we strive to provide our readers, whom we consider our extended family, with knowledge, awareness and fun in an effort to enrich and save the lives of animals. Through passion and education, Mission: P.E.T.S. is sure that, together, we can make a difference. We are completely dedicated to the world of animals, bettering the lives of both animals, and the people who love them.
It is so important to remain open minded, and open our hearts, to information that can be shared through channels like Bark Buckle UP and their campaigns. The same is true for the information we share in our FREE quarterly e-zine, The birth of the e-zine was not only a childhood dream, but a desperate effort to open a channel of communication where people can learn all about animals, including maintaining their wellness and safety. As a passionate animal lover, lifelong enthusiast and a dedicated volunteer in animal rescue, I created the e-zine out of my complete love and adoration for our faithful animal friends. I wanted to give animal lovers a place where they can share their joy, their stories and their sorrows, while at the same time educating the public about animal issues in hopes of paving the way for a more humane and friendly world for our dear companions.
In addition to sharing safety tips from experts, amongst other informational articles, Mission: P.E.T.S. has created a campaign for the less fortunate animals out there... and trust me, there are too many of them. It’s called TAG! YOU’RE IT! The concept is, now that you’ve been hit, pass on information you’ve attained. And hopefully the person you’ve “tagged” will do the same.
Don’t we all know that sometimes our world can seem cold and uninviting? No one knows this better than our innocent animal companions. Millions of animals are abused, neglected, mistreated, starved, euthanized... never given a chance and all without a whisper or voice.
TAG! YOU'RE IT! is a revolution, an awakening. Through awareness and education, one ordinary person can make a positive difference in the silent lives of these animals. Through very simple steps and a change in perspective, we can all change the world for the better for our beloved friends all over. Take the first step today to help the plight of animals. Spread the word - share your knowledge - and continue the cycle. Even sharing what seems like common knowledge, for example, “Hey, bark buckle up the whole family!” can go a long way. Those 7 words can save lives. It’s that simple.
Knowledge is meant to be shared. I have created Mission: P.E.T.S. as a portal to do just that. I search far and wide for professionals, volunteers, animal lovers and the like to keep you informed. And that’s why, when offered the chance to work with Bark Buckle UP on their new campaign, I jumped at it. Keeping them safe, whether they are at home or on the road, should be a top priority for all of us out there sharing our homes, our lives, and our hearts with animals. I may not be Cesar Millan, but hey, I’ve got a voice, too, and a true love for animals. This is not my hobby; this is my life.
Written By: Camille Adams from Mission: P.E.T.S. About; Mission: P.E.T.S. (Passion, Education, Togetherness, Salvation) is a FREE online magazine for dedicated animal lovers. Created by Camille L. Adams, to fulfill a childhood dream, Mission: P.E.T.S. is dedicated and solely interested in enriching and saving the lives of animals, together, with YOU. Through passion and education, Mission: P.E.T.S. is sure that we can make a difference. Our mission is to provide knowledge, awareness and fun for our viewers and our readers. We are completely dedicated to the world of animals, bettering the lives of both animals and the people who love them. In our quarterly e-zine, you can get how-to tips from the experts on proper care, safety & training techniques. Learn how to deepen the bond with your companion animals, read about volunteer organizations & rescue efforts, (and find out how you can help). Open your eyes to unique & alternative wellness techniques and so much more! Best of all, this wealth of knowledge is absolutely, 100% FREE! We invite you to share your ideas, stories and photos with us! And check out our online shop. A % of all profits go to animal rescue and other worthy non-profits. For your FREE subscription, please go to: and to read our current issue, go to
About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
Pet Safety Lady "Christina Selter" is Barking Fantastic. People, businesses, groups, clubs, students from around: USA, Canada, Turkey, Australia, United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium, Ecuador, Argentina, Hungary, Mexico, Netherlands, Brazil, New Zealand, Romania, Poland, South Africa, Chile, Germany, Greece, Czech Republic well lets just say people from around the world and across America are taking the pledge.
Pet Safety Lady's extensive experience has made her the go to Pet Safety Expert nationwide, she has buckled up more then 10,000 pets and secured more then 2000 pets in life vest. Just ask our first responders who have been speaking out in support of her efforts from Across America, Canada in press conferences around the world or watch one of the amazing first responder video's at Bark Buckle UP website. "Wearing your seat belt costs you nothing but NOT wearing one certainly will, buckle up the whole family and save lives" states Christina Selter aka Pet Safety Lady.
“Safety belts can only work if you use them”, said Batalian Fire Chief Jose Torres. Be aware of advise and tips that are out there not everyone is a REAL pet expert and when it comes to pet safety no one can compete with Pet Safety Lady, looks like she is setting the world record for pet travel safety experience. Take if from us the experts and Buckle UP the whole family and take the pledge at Be Smart Ride Safe today.
Pet Safety Lady Facts: • Buckled UP more then 10,000 pets • Secured more then 2000 Pet Life Vests • 60,000 children and families attended her 2010 Pet Safety class • First Responders Nationwide & Canada DIGG Pet Safety Lady • Appeared on more then 372 local morning news segments
Pet Travel Facts: • A 60-pound pet can causes a 2,700-pound projectile, even when moving at only 35mph • Statistics show pet travel has increased 300% since 2005 • Unrestrained pets can delay emergency workers' access to human occupants • Pets escaping a vehicle post-accident can pose many dangers, including catching the loose pet • Injured pets may bite rescue workers or others who are trying to help • Pets may escape through a window or open door and cause a second accident • Driver distraction is common when unrestrained pets are rambunctious inside a vehicle
Statistics don’t lie: When you have a pet in your lap, in the front seat or roaming freely around the car it is very likely you will break these simple three types of distraction.
Visual — taking your eyes off the road Manual — taking your hands off the wheel Cognitive — taking your mind off what you’re doing
For more information visit: BeSmartRideSafe or to reach Pet Safety Lady or to book her contact media at or call 949-361-BARK (2275)
About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
Pet Safety gives the top honors to the Eyenimal or as she calls it the "my doggie kitty cam. Tiny camera for your dog or cat to wear around so you can see what they are up too. Try it on kids too", said Christina Selter "Pet Safety Lady".
Eyenimal is the first brand of miniature video cameras that allow dog and cat owners to step into the lives of their favorite pet. A great way to immortalize your pet on video, tell the story of his or her life, the exciting discoveries, the chance encounters and wild adventures, to reveal his or her whims and fancies and capture all those happy and funny pet moments!
Here are some of the top features you will find with the Dog Cat CAM.
-Owners of free-roaming cats often wonder what their feline companions are up to during their unsupervised outdoor wanderings. What do they do? Where do they go? What interesting encounters do they make? What are the familiar routes that they take? What are their habits?
-The Eyenimal video camera will allow you to capture and relive all those precious moments of complicity between you and your pet, at your pet’s level. Elegant and sturdy, this video camera can be used both in a rural and urban environment on all your walks in nature or the city.
-In their owner’s absence, cats and dogs can get into a lot of mischief. It is often hard to say what causes or motivates our four-legged friends to engage in unruly behavior in the home when we are not around. This video camera will allow pet owners to keep an eye on their beloved pets and to also acquire valuable material to discuss over with an animal behavioral specialist.
-Uniquely designed to fit all standards cats and dogs collars, the holding clip is adjustable to any of the pet’s postures.
-The video camera weighs no more than 35g. Your pet will forget it’s there! Thanks to its casing design, it can also be used in wet or humid conditions.
-Thanks to its 8GB built-in Flash memory and 500mA Li-Ion battery, this video camera can capture images continuously for up to 2 and a half hours. Recorded videos are transferred to your PC by using the USB cable provided (compatible with Microsoft Win 2000, XP, Vista, Mac OS and Linux).
-Uniquely designed to fit all standards cats and dogs collars, the holding clip is adjustable to any of the pet’s postures.
Click the link to visit the Eyenimal website and to purchase this great pet safety product.
About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
Watch Cesars Millan's Be Smart Ride Safe video and make your own then send us a copy on for a chance to win.
Bark Buckle UP will award the TOP PSA's prizes in 2011. Make sure to upload yours to the Be Smart Ride Safe YouTube page for a chance to win. for any questions, media or help with upload.
About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
The numbers are in from June, July 2010 and WOW we thought Pet Safety Lady buckling up more then 10,000 pets was HUGE her Pet Safety Class was attended by more then 60,000 children and their families.
Here is a video of some of the safety tips and lessons they learned. "People got to learn camping, hiking, cars, RVing, boating all the family fun and how include the pets with Safety First," said Christina Selter Pet Safety Lady.
For more pet safety tips and booking Pet Safety Lady visit her site or email
About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
The KatPak is a traveling litter box solution for feline travelers to use in cars, RV, boats, camping or even hotels.
Made of a heavy-duty biodegradable paper it folds flat for easy travel and opens up concertina-style like a large shopping bag when the litter is placed inside. Suitable for cats of all sizes. Large cutout handles makes it easy to close up and throw away without having to handle the litter.
Some Key Product Details:
KatPak is the only disposable hooded tray on the market.
Each katpak is made of biodegradable paper and folded so it can be easily expanded to become a hooded cat toilet. katpak is biodegradable and compostable.
KatPak is easy to use, clean and hygienic, it reduces smells and is easy to dispose of and you will never have to clean the litter tray again!
Katpak's innovative and eco-friendly design has won several awards from Pet Business, Martha Stewart, Cats Protection, Your Cat Magazine, The British Invention Show and now from Pet Safety Lady.
"In the past it was always difficult to take our cat Steve along, now with the KatPak portable cat toilet it is simple and safe", stated Christina Selter "Pet Safety Lady".
View the how does it work video online at KatPak Photo from KatPak website see more online.
About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
Coming soon Be Smart Ride Safe PSA in English and Spanish nationwide.
Stay tuned.................
Bark Buckle UP® founded Be Smart Ride® Safe nearly a decade ago to communicate to the public the reasons for being safer with your pets while traveling. Christina Selter "Pet Safety Lady" founder of the programs is the Director and Executive Producer of four resent PSA's.
About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
Pet vehicle barriers Don't Be a FOOL to what barriers are actually safe and work. These are placed between the front and back seats and are supposed to prevent the dog from jumping back and forth causing a disturbance between the pet parent and their dog. But these are also supposed to keep the pet and human occupants safe during an accident.
So lets not be FOOLED a barrier like a pair of pants are not one size fits all. My grandmother would always say her elastic waist pants fit everyone, are you kidding skin tight poly pants do not fit everyone just like vehicle barriers. First don't buy an after market barrier tip #1 they are not made to fit any and all vehicles, plus most have NEVER been crash tested.
Tip #2 no Velcro, straps, suction cups as these are not SAFE even in a low speed accident or stop. We are talking crash-test failures.
Tip #3 Installed by automotive dealer or service shop is a must and that product needs to be made by that manufacturer for that vehicle for that year vehicle.
Tip #4 secured into the vehicle not hooked to a headrest.
Tip #5 the 1/2 barriers that got between the two front bucket seats, are you kidding what would that stop--- NOTHING
So if you follow these simple five tips for pet vehicle barriers you won't be fooled into buying a product that can kill or injure you, your passengers like children or your pets.
The photos shows an actual pet vehicle barrier that has been crash tested properly and passed, plus is secured into the vehicle, made by the automotive manufacturer for that vehicle and fits that vehicle plus is a automotive dealer installed safety accessory. Photo is the 2009 Volvo XC90 pet barrier made by Volvo for that specific vehicle and is crash tested. Also in the photo is IL Sheriff and Marshall the bomb sniffing dog. This product has received the Bark Buckle UP Safety Seal tested by the REAL pet travel safety experts.
About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
Be Smart Ride Safe Pet Sitters International asks members to take the pledge
September 23, 2010 Orange, CA, Bark Buckle UP® has a new public service announcement that asks pet owners to take the pledge to “Be Smart, Ride Safe® buckle UP the whole family.” The Be Smart Ride Safe® PSA features Cesar Millan and his second-in-command, Blue Pit bull Junior. The PSA is being aired nationally to encourage individuals and corporations to take the pledge online to be safer with their pets.
Pet-sitting industry leader Pet Sitters International (PSI) has partnered with pet safety experts, Bark Buckle UP®, to support the Be Smart Ride Safe® campaign. PSI’s more than 7600 member pet-sitting businesses provide professional pet care and serve as trusted advisors for more than one million pet owners annually. As part of its ongoing mission to promote pet-sitting excellence through education, PSI has encouraged its members to take the Be Smart Ride Safe® pledge and is promoting pet safety tips and Bark Buckle UP’s® free pet safety kit on the PSI web site,
The number of pets traveling with their owners has increased 300 percent since 2005, and over 98 percent of pets that travel in cars were not restrained properly in 2009. “Pet owners need to realize that it is just as important to buckle their pet up as it is to buckle themselves up when the get into a car,” Selter said. “We all know that wearing a seatbelt saves human lives. Well, it saves pet lives, as well. It costs nothing to strap yourself into your seatbelt—but the cost of not wearing a seat belt can cost you your life. The same applies to your dog or cat.”
Bark Buckle UP® is committed to informing pet owners about the dangers of unrestrained pet travel. According to the founder of Bark Buckle UP®, “Pet Safety Lady” Christina Selter, “safety belts can only work if you use them – that costs nothing – but not using them can cost lives – pets included.”
FACTS: • A 60-pound pet can cause a 2,700-pound projectile, even when moving at just 35mph accident • Pet travel has increased 300 percent since 2005 • Unrestrained pets in vehicles can delay emergency workers’ access to human occupants • If a pet escapes a vehicle post-accident, it can pose many dangers, including catching the loose pet • Injured pet may bite rescue workers or others who are trying to help • Pet may escape through a window or door and cause a second accident • Driver distraction is common when unrestrained pets are rambunctious in moving vehicles
Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 250 news segments, directed and produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
Pet Sitters International Established in 1994, Pet Sitters International (PSI) is the world’s largest educational association for professional pet sitters, representing nearly 8,000 independent professional pet-sitting businesses in the United States, Canada and abroad. PSI provides members with access to affordable bonding and liability insurance and educational resources including a comprehensive Accreditation Program, The Pet Sitter’s WORLD magazine and PSI’s annual Quest convention. For more information, visit, home of the Official Pet Sitter Locator™, or visit the PSIStoreOnline, the largest specialty retailer of products for pet sitters and pet-sitter business owners.
Media Contacts: Bark Buckle UP -- 949-361- 2275
The driver was driving vintage Dodge and was killed in a collision with a truck on Route 209 in Schuylkill County Tuesday morning. It appears that it is NOT his fault a truck coming towards him on opposite side came over the line. However if the pups were secured the Poodle may have survived and the three others may not have been injured. Something to think about.
RIP Charles D. Strouse Jr., 37, of Brockton
Story below: (photo online with full article,0,7997837.story)
Larry Neff, The Morning Call / September 20, 2010)
A man driving a classic car in Schuylkill County was killed Tuesday morning when a box truck apparently crossed the center line and struck his car head-on.
Charles D. Strouse Jr., 37, of Brockton, died in his 1964 Dodge 880 sedan on Route 209, about a half-mile west of Tamaqua in Walker Township, state police at Frackville said. One of three puppies in the car also was killed.
The accident happened at 9:05 a.m., Trooper Michael D. Marinchak reported. Strouse was pronounced dead on the scene by county Deputy Coroner Franklin Griffiths.
The truck, apparently heading east on Route 209, crossed into the westbound lane, where it collided with the car. Ruben A. Rodriguez, 40, of Pennsauken, N.J., was driving the truck, police said.
Firefighters administered oxygen to the three puppies, two of which were taken by Tamaqua Area Animal Rescue to Companion Animal Hospital in Tamaqua. One poodle could not be revived.
Rodriguez suffered minor injuries and was taken by ambulance to St. Catherine's Hospital in Coaldale for evaluation.
The highway was closed seven hours for the cleanup and investigation.
Tamaqua Fire Department, New England Fire Company, Tuscarora Fire Company, Rush Township fire police, Hometown Fire Company fire police, Lehighton EMS, Tamaqua EMS, Tamaqua Rescue Squad and Schuylkill County Animal Rescue also assisted at the scene.
September 1, 2010 Los Angeles, CA World-renowned dog behaviorist Cesar Millan has teamed up with pet safety experts, Bark Buckle UP to launch a new public service announcement, asking pet owners to take the pledge to “Be Smart, Ride Safe.” The Be Smart Ride Safe PSA features Millan and his second-in-command, Blue Pit bull Junior, who are helping to promote the Be Smart Ride Safe pet travel safety campaign. The PSA is being aired nationally to encourage individuals and corporations to take the pledge online to be safer with their pets.
“Pack leaders provide protection and direction,” said Millan. “And when it comes to pet safety, protection is about prevention – that’s what this campaign is all about!” Millan has promoted pet travel safety tips and Bark Buckle UP’s Free Pet Safety Kit on his website,
These days, more pets than ever are traveling in vehicles. However, most drivers aren't taking the steps necessary to ensure that travel is safe for both them and their pets. Most pets travel unrestrained, increasing the risk of pet injury or fatality during an accident. Unrestrained pets also pose risks for the drivers. If an accident occurs while the car is moving at 35 mph, an unrestrained, 60-pound dog is capable of causing an impact of up to 2,700 pounds. If the unrestrained pet survives the crash, he may impede or slow the progress of rescue workers, as they need to tend to the animal and the human victims. First responders nationwide have said that, “any time lost in the caring of accident victims [due to] the need to deal with a frightened or injured animal can and should be avoided.”
Bark Buckle UP is committed to informing pet owners about the dangers of unrestrained pet travel. According to the founder of Bark Buckle UP, “Pet Safety Lady” Christina Selter, “safety belts can only work if you use them – that costs nothing – but not using them can cost lives – pets included.”
FACTS: • A 60-pound pet can cause a 2,700-pound projectile, even when moving at just 35mph accident • Pet travel has increased 300 percent since 2005 • Unrestrained pets in vehicles can delay emergency workers’ access to human occupants • If a pet escapes a vehicle post-accident, it can pose many dangers, including catching the loose pet • Injured pet may bite rescue workers or others who are trying to help • Pet may escape through a window or door and cause a second accident • Driver distraction is common when unrestrained pets are rambunctious in moving vehicles
### CESAR MILLAN is a best-selling author, a much in demand public speaker, a branded pet care product designer/entrepreneur and, not least of all, an internationally popular and iconic series star of the hit TV show “Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan,” the National Geographic Channel’s flagship series, currently in it's sixth season.
Bark Buckle UP founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 250 news segments, directed and produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
Bark Buckle UP and Christina Selter aka: Pet Safety Lady's dear friend the two year old, golden retriever Ricochet, the SURFice dog who surfs for fun, wins contests and most importantly, has been inspiring millions of people around the world with her paw it forward lifestyle, while raising funds and awareness for human/animal causes, received the 2010 American Kennel Club Humane Fund Award for Canine Excellence in the category of Exemplary Companion Dog.
The American Kennel Club Ace award is a national honor, given to only five dogs each year who have performed an exemplary act or series of acts, whether large or seemingly small, that have significantly benefited a community or individual. One award is given in the following five categories: Law Enforcement, Search and Rescue, Therapy, Service, and Exemplary Companion Dog.
In addition to the prestige of being chosen from hundreds of entries, each of the five honorees receives a cash award of $1,000, an engraved sterling silver collar medallion and an all-expenses-paid trip for dog and owner to Long Beach, Calif., to be honored at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championships in December. The engraved names of the five recipients will also be added to the ACE plaque that is permanently displayed on the AKC Library's "Wall of Fame" in New York City.
Ricochet was slated to be a service dog for a person with a disability, but due to her interest in chasing prey, she had to be released from that role. After proving she could surf by winning 3rd place in the 2009 Purina Incredible Dog Challenge, her title went from service dog to SURFice dog, and she began providing assistance to people with disabilities in a non-traditional manner. She often surfs with disabled surfers from quadriplegic teenager, Patrick Ivison to a brain injured six year old, Ian McFarland. She helps counter-balance the board to keep them from falling off, or motivates them to replace apprehension with excitement.
Shortly after her first fundraiser, a video of her journey titled "From Service Dog to SURFice Dog" was posted to YouTube, and un-expectedly went viral. The attention the video garnered was immediately turned into a platform of helping others on a larger scale by re-directing the attention to numerous human/animal causes. The video also served as a source of inspiration to the millions of people who viewed it, and found their own personal message, bringing them to tears. Many of those people joined her Facebook page of 12,500+ incredibly supportive members.
In the 10 months that Ricochet's journey has changed course, she's raised almost $50,000 in donations, and awareness for her causes, which include people with disabilities, the Association of Amputee Surfers, Wheels 2 Water, Life Rolls On, Ocean Healing Group, Surfers Healing, Surfers for Autism, Pipeline to a Cure, Chase Away K9 Cancer, Morris Animal Foundation, Helen Woodward Animal Center, Pets for Patriots, Pets for Vets, Pay It Forward Day, Living The Dream Foundation, and more
Ricochet is honored to receive the American Kennel Club ACE Award, and will continue her commitment to helping others, while encouraging them to focus on the CAN do's in life, and realize that disappointment can be turned into a joyful new direction! To learn more about Ricochet's surfing, causes, and fundraisers, visit her website at or contact Judy Fridono at
Well we just got a note from Pet Safety Lady she tweeted too much and broke twitter. The message was Be Smart Ride Safe take the pledge and DON'T drink and drive this Labor Day holiday.
So now what, she has emailed, asked for help, stopped twittering and now OFF to the Dog House she goes. No more Tweets for her she is suspended.
But we will still ask for you all to twitter the message and follow her request to: Be Smart Ride Safe take the pledge to Buckle UP the whole family and please don't drink and drive!
Check out the picture from her twitter account today, she is so sad and wants to come out of the dog house soon. HELP her if you know how she broke twitter please email her at or try to visit her twitter page LOL
Don't forget before heading out with the whole family, BUCKLE UP and take the pledge at Be Smart Ride Safe.
1- Bark Buckle UP FREE pet safety kit, keep it in your glovebox 2- Take the pledge to buckle up the whole family at 3- Pack pet gear, hiking, camping, travel gear, travel bowls, Bayer Flea Medicine food and fresh clean water
Today, more and more boaters are bringing their pets on board for a day on the water. Boat captains need to stop and think about a few simple steps that will ensure they and their pets have a fun, safe boating experience this upcoming Labor Day weekend.
Pet Safety Lady recommends the following steps for safe boating with your pet:
Take things slow if it is your pet’s first time on the boat. Let him/her adjust to the movement of the boat and the sound of the engine. Always consider a Personal (Pet) Flotation Device. Most have a handle on back to easily lift your pet out of the water. Provide better footing with a piece of carpet or rubber mat (considering that your pet is not wearing boat shoes). Check the deck’s temperature often. Deck surfaces can get quite hot on your pet’s footpads. “Although it is important to take the appropriate steps to make sure your pet is safe on board, it is equally important to make sure that you and your family are safe as well this holiday,” said Allstate New York spokesperson Krista Conte.
According to Allstate’s Boat Safety brochure, here is the boater’s checklist:
Always wear a personal flotation device (PFD) when boating. Don’t use an inflatable toy as a substitute for a PFD. Never drink and boat. Pay attention to weather changes. Head for shore when winds increase or storm clouds roll in. Always tell someone where you’re going and when you plan to return. Be aware of exhaust emissions. Avoid areas where carbon monoxide collects in and around your boat. Follow Red-Right-Running: keep red buoys to your right (starboard) and green buoys to your left (port). Take a boating safety course from an expert organization. In addition to safeguarding yourself and passengers, your boat is a valuable investment that should have an up-to-date boat insurance policy.
To learn more about Allstate’s boat insurance, New York customers can contact a local Allstate agent at 1-800 Allstate or
“Pet Safety Lady” Christina Selter, the founder of Bark Buckle UP and the take the pledge Be Smart Ride Safe campaign to encourage everyone to Buckle UP the whole family, has been featured on more than 250 news network shows nationwide over the past few years, as well as in print and on radio. She travels the nation teaching pet safety to pet owners, and her efforts are supported by fire departments, police, Coast Guard and EMT personnel. She recently produced the free pet safety class DVD series, that was filmed in her first national pet safety television commercial. She is currently producing a pet safety PSA for 2010. For more information, please visit and
In much of the United States dogs are like family members and as such they routinely ride in the family car to the supermarket, to watch the kids at Little League games or on trips to the local dog park. I know that my dog Daisy Mae travels with me everywhere I go in the many cars, trucks and SUVs I test each week. That is why I incorporate "dog friendliness" testing into every review I write.
But dog friendliness is much more than just how comfortable your dog is in the back seat or behind a metal grate in the cargo area. Dog friendliness also has to do with how safe your pet is when riding in your vehicle. The inspiration for this testing comes from the work of Christina Selter and her website has long advocated the use of pet safety harnesses when riding in motor vehicles. According to Christina Selter, "safety belts can only work if you use them. That costs nothing but not using them can cost lives. Pets included."
Frightening Statistics
If you don't believe a dog needs to be properly harnessed in when riding in the car just check out these very disturbing statistics. In 2008 nearly 6,000 pets died in car crashes and more than half a million were injured according to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Currently less than 85% of drivers do not restrain their pets when riding in the car.
An unrestrained pet also poses a huge risk to drivers. In a 35 mile per hour crash a 60 lb. dog is capable of creating an impact of 2,700 pounds. Just imagine a dog hitting a driver in the back of the head with that level of brute force and it is easy to see that even a belted in driver would most likely not survive that accident.
Also, if a pet does survive a crash they will impede the work of any first responder fire, police of ambulance teams. These animals will be scared, hurt and will take away from the rescue of any human passengers. First responders nationwide have said, "any time lost in the caring of accident victims [due to] the need to deal with a frightened or injured animal can and should be avoided."
So What Can You Do to Make Sure Your Pet is Safe? has now teamed up with The Dog Whisperer Cesar Milan to launch—a website that offers a free pet safety kit and information about keeping your dog safe when riding
in the car. Be Smart/Ride Safe is also producing a series of Public Service Announcements with Cesar Milan to highlight the dangers of pets who ride unsecured in automobiles.
The very wise and hunky Cesar Milan had this to say about Be Smart/Ride Safe, "Pack leaders provide protection and direction. And when it comes to pet safety, protection is about prevention - that's what this campaign is all about!"
So what can you do as a pet owner? Well, first you should invest in a pet safety harness that buckles into one of the receptors in the rear seat. Dogs should never ride on your lap or in the passenger seat as the airbags could easily kill them in a frontal impact. See, that isn't so hard.
Be the Pack Leader!
When you set off in the car you always make sure that your whole family is secure in their seat belts or car seats. So why not make sure one of the most beloved members of the family is also securely belted in? You know that Cesar Milan would tell you this simple action is what any responsible and loving pack leader would do.
See More James (Jim) Hamel stories on Bark Buckle UP Be Smart Ride Safe and Cesar Millan
Bark Buckle UP is recognized as the go-to expert and leading research team on pet travel safety. While promoting the pet safety, Bark Buckle UP founder Christina Selter has safely buckled more than 10,000 animals into vehicles, been featured 1,200 national and local newscasts, international press conferences and automobile trade show, delivered over 4,000 pet oxygen masks through her Bark 10-4 program and secured almost 3,000 animals in life vests. Using cutting-edge technology Christina taught more than 60,000 families in her pet safety classes around the country.
Bark Buckle UP is an independent consultant and safety adviser, providing unbiased product reviews. Safety experts at Bark Buckle UP don't make or sell products or provide any advertising opportunities.