Bark Buckle UP live with Gayle Anderson KTLA and Battalion Chief Carl Bjerke Santa Monica Fire Department to talk about pet travel safety.
Gayle Anderson covered the Santa Monica Pet Safety Day and brought along her little ones all three in fact, Kermit did great his travel harness, they all three loved the backpack and the SleepyPod.
Battalion Chief Carl Bjerke help Gayle explain to the public how important is it for folks to secure their pets just like themselves and their children. A 60 pound dog like a Golden Retriver in an accident of about 35 mph can cause a impact of about 2,700 pounds of projectile. "Now we love our pets lets protect them ourselves and our first responders, who's job is to help us at an accident" said Christina Selter Pet Safety Expert with Bark Buckle UP.

For decades, seat belts have been protecting families throughout the world from a baby in a car seat, a trucker on the road or a passenger in a car. As part of an overall occupant restraint system, seat belts are intended to reduce injuries by stopping the wearer from hitting hard interior elements of the vehicle or other passengers (the so-called second impact) and by preventing the passenger from being thrown from the vehicle.

Unrestrained pets can also distract the driver, and cause an accident. Even pets that are normally well behaved could be frightened by something unusual and dive for the driver's feet or lap. Following a car accident, an unrestrained pet could escape and be hit by another vehicle or cause another collision. A frightened dog may attack strangers who are trying to help.
While most of us, spurred by safety concerns and government regulations, wear seat belts as a matter of course, we don't always think about restraining our dogs when they're our passengers. But going without a restraint poses dangers to dogs and drivers alike. In the event of a sudden stop or accident, a dog can become a flying projectile that can injure you, your passengers or be thrown through the windshield. Accidents do happen everyday.

Bark Buckle UP campaign educates pet parents on how to put on and take off safety pet belts and the importance of securing their pet safely for travel. Get your FREE Pet Safety Kit today from Bark Buckle UP.
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