Quoted in the article was our founder Christina Selter Pet Safety Lady, two of Bark Buckle UP members Ms Hance with Cocoa buckled up and Ms. Eshoo her new dog Delilah, Dan Johnston from Volvo Cars North America and Sheriff Patrick Perez from Kane County IL.
About 89% of pets traveling in cars last year weren't secured properly, says Christina Selter, founder of advocacy group Bark Buckle Up who collects national data from police and fire agencies. Still, it's an improvement from 2008, when 98% were unsecured. Currently, there are no federal or state laws requiring pets be secured inside vehicles, Ms. Selter says.
Fido, buckle up. More drivers are putting their dogs in seatbelts and other restraints as awareness increases that loose dogs in the car can be distracting and dangerous. Wendy Bounds explains.
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