As Pawed by Ursa with a little help from Camille founder of Mission: P.E.T.S. Many of our families consider welcoming a new animal into our homes during this time of year. Before you think any further, please read about why ADOPTION is the BEST OPTION.
Adoption means SAVING A LIFE. As sad as it sounds, nearly 4 million animals are euthanized each year in shelters across the United States simply because there are not enough homes for them. Too many people give up their animals, don’t spay or neuter their family animals, or buy from pet stores - and too few people adopt from shelters or rescue groups. Shelters have a limited amount of space... and when they need more room, some of the animals who have been there a while and havent been adopted need to be euthanized to make room for new animals coming in (and there are so many more coming in daily). When you ADOPT an animal, you are actually saving TWO lives... you are saving the life of the animal you take home, and you are freeing up a spot for a new animal to be rescued.
’ll save MONEY. Many of us know that financially, times are tough these days. Buying an animal from a breeder or pet store can cost upwards of a thousand dollars. Adopting an animal is a significantly cheaper. Most adoption fees are less than three hundred dollars and most of the animals are vetted (vaccinated) and spayed/neutered prior to going home with you. The same amount of money you spend on adopting an animal, you’d be spending on veterinary bills for an animal you buy from a breeder or pet store in ADDITION to the purchase price. Plus, your adoption fee will include advice and guidance from a rescue worker / shelter staff.
Purebreds, galore! Despite misconceptions about shelter animals, as many as 1 in 4 animals in a shelter or rescue group are PUREBRED animals. How could this be?, you may ask. Well, sometimes when people buy purebreds, they are “impulse” buys - a family may consider a dog cute and take him home, not realizing the care and attention he needs. Or, the novelty has worn off and they no longer want that puppy now that he’s getting bigger. Sometimes, people lose their homes, end up in divorce, have babies or move into a complex that won’t take their animal, too. There are so many reasons that purebreds end up in shelters... most of them are a result of problems related to the people, not the animal. So, some one spends $1,500 on a purebred puppy... it ends up in the shelter... and you saved yourself THAT MUCH MONEY and end up with a pedigree pooch.
Variety and Customer Service. Animal shelters and rescue groups have a wide variety of animals to choose from. You can learn all about them, their temperament and even spend some time with them prior to adopting, with the help of an adoption counselor or rescue worker. This will help you make the decision about what animal is right for YOUR family and YOUR lifestyle.
PET STORE CAN = PUPPY MILL. By adopting an animal, you are saying “no” to puppy mills. Puppy mills are “factory” type breeding facilities that most times put profit above the welfare of the animals. Most dogs raised in these facilities are housed in very poor conditions with little to no medical care, human interaction, and are confined to very small cages their entire lives. They are bred over and over, again, and when they are no longer profitable they are discarded - killed, abandoned or sold at auctions. The product of these facilities - the puppies - are sold to families in pet stores, through the Internet or newspaper ads. They target whoever is willing to pay, and the families don't suspect a thing is wrong. The pups are said to have come from great “breeders” - yet buyers never get to see the facility where the pups come from. Many of the puppies that come from puppy mills have health problems that may not show for months. Puppy mills use their sales tactics to people who are not even aware of their existence. Buying puppies from these outlets is supporting this cruel industry. Adopting an animal ensures that you are not supporting puppy mills. The more people adopt, the less people buy from puppy mills... and in time, we hope that they will stop operating altogether. Your local shelter or rescue group has so many great animals... healthy, well-socialized animals needing you as much as you need them.
ADOPTION = HELPING PET OVERPOPULATION. As stated earlier, millions of animals are euthanized because of overpopulation. Too many animals, not enough loving homes. By adopting your new best friend, you are helping to reduce overpopulation. Your adoption fee goes towards saving other animals’ lives, humane education, and running the shelter.
RESCUE ANIMALS MAKE LOVING COMPANIONS. Some were abandoned, some were victims of family issues, some never had a home of their own. But all of them yearn for a fur-ever family to love them unconditionally. Many of these animals are already trained and possess house-manners. Adult animals make wonderful companions; they do not need to be trained, they sleep all night, and they already know the lay of the land.
HOLIDAY CHEER. After carefully researching the right fit for your home and lifestyle, and with some help from your local shelter or rescue group, bringing home a new fur-riend will brighten your holiday up ten-fold! Animals have been proven to not only offer us unconditional love, but to help us on a therapeutic level. Animals help us to smile, relax and enjoy each day.
They help us to feel fulfilled, as we care for them in return. They can uplift our spirits and alleviate loneliness. Animals also encourage us to exercise! The physical activity associated with caring for an animal has physical health benefits for us like lowering our blood pressure, strengthening our hearts and improving blood circulation. Animals are healthy! And they’re fun, too. They’ll add a little warmth, spunk and love to your home this Howliday season.
There are loving animals in all shapes and sizes available for adoption from your local shelter, rescue group or breed-specific rescue group. They all await a permanent home to call their own. Making wonderful animal companions is their job; yours is to find one of your own and bring him or her home, giving them a new chance at life. Adopt your new fur-riend, and save a life this howliday season.
About; Mission: P.E.T.S. (Passion, Education, Togetherness, Salvation) is a FREE online magazine for dedicated animal lovers. Created by Camille L. Adams, to fulfill a childhood dream, Mission: P.E.T.S. is dedicated and solely interested in enriching and saving the lives of animals, together, with YOU. Through passion and education, Mission: P.E.T.S. is sure that we can make a difference. Our mission is to provide knowledge, awareness and fun for our viewers and our readers. We are completely dedicated to the world of animals, bettering the lives of both animals and the people who love them. In our quarterly e-zine, you can get how-to tips from the experts on proper care, safety & training techniques. Learn how to deepen the bond with your companion animals, read about volunteer organizations & rescue efforts, (and find out how you can help). Open your eyes to unique & alternative wellness techniques and so much more! Best of all, this wealth of knowledge is absolutely, 100% FREE! We invite you to share your ideas, stories and photos with us! And check out our online shop. A % of all profits go to animal rescue and other worthy non-profits. For your FREE subscription, please go to: and to read our current issue, go to
About: Betty Smook from nose to tail she is the TOP Dog Paw Blogger with Bark Buckle UP (with a little help
from Christina "Pet Safety Lady"). Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” founder of Bark Buckle UP® works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes media it over tens of thousands. Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations and impressions the first year and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s, created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family and currently launching the Pet Travel Airport tour to teach safe pet air travel to the public.