Take care of your pets and keep them safe by speaking out to your state officials, reports animal abuse, appreciate wildlife (also do not litter), make sure to adopt your pets.
1915 was the launch of Be Kind to Animals Week by the American Humane Society. This week was created to help promote for you to Be Kind to Animals, your pets and wildlife.
As a Pet Safety Expert I believe Animals play a very important role in our lives. Our pets, wildlife are all connected to the ECO system so it is our job to promote ways to treat them humanely and to teach others to do the same. The picture to the right is Radar a little angel we met in Jacksonville, Florida at one of the Bark Buckle UP Pet Safety Days. The Humane Society brought him over along with several other wonderful pets for adoption, he was full of energy and love to share with a loving family.
Adopt your next pet and teach other to do the same, keep them safe and healthy so they can live a long happy life.
Check out your local rescue, shelters or humane societies for special events that you can attend and make sure to spread the word Be Kind to Animals each and every day.