Trimline review as Pawed by Ursa one of Bark Buckle UP's Paw Reporters (with a little help from Camille Adams founder of Mission: P.E.T.S.).
The Trimline Recovery Collar was a lifesaver for me... and my 1 year old daughter... and my home!
When our Rottweiler, Ursa, had to undergo several amputee surgeries on her front, right leg, she was forced to wear the “cone” (the Elizabethan collar) for over two months. It became apparent that this was not a situation that was working out to everyone’s benefit. Ursa was bumping into walls (chipping paint!) and furniture, and knocking down our 1 year old daughter. She was waking her from naps due to the loud banging noises as she tried to maneuver throughout the rooms (and those nap times are cherished - they are few and far between!).
I soon realized something had to change since Ursa had to continue to wear the collar for an indefinite amount of time to keep her from getting at the wound-site and her growing tumors. As a relentless and resourceful Rottweiler, and as such she could not be left alone without a cone on. I decided to try the Trimline Recovery Collar. Let’s just say I haven’t used anything else since! It’s soft material prevented scratches to my walls and wood furniture, and no more loud banging noises as Ursa navigates the house! Being soft also provides another bonus... no more boo-boo’s for our daughter! Additionally, it can be bent backwards so that Ursa can see everything... except her leg! OK - and one more thing - get this! She can even chew her bone with the collar on! An impossible feat with the regular cone. Ursa can drink water, eat, chew... without having to take the cone on and off. It’s so flexible, she can resume normal everyday activities without interruption.
The Trimline Recovery Collar is an absolute MUST-HAVE for anyone who has animals undergoing surgery or recovering from wounds, etc. to prevent them from licking or biting. Dealing with Ursa’s disease is painful and challenging enough; this collar gave us peace of mind with little to no hassle at a time when we needed it most.

About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.