Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady”, like millions of Americans, loves pets. Known throughout the country as the Pet Safety Lady, Selter is the founder of Bark Buckle UP®, an organization dedicated to pet travel safety awareness. On her website Selter advises, “Be Bmart Ride Safe® in your car, boat or RV. From point A to point B, get there safe and enjoy the ride.”

Before leaving the house, make sure you’ve packed the ten essentials for pet travel:
1. Pet food
2. Clean water
3. Pet medicine
4. Tags with current information
5. Leash
6. Bedding
7. First aid kit
8. Pets shots record and photo
9. Travel bowls
10. Poop bags
Never leave your pet in a vehicle unattended; it’s easy for the temperature inside a car to rise to more than 100 degrees within just a few minutes.
Make sure your pets are road-trip ready with the proper pet travel gear, such as crates and travel harnesses.
If you’re flying with your pet, plan ahead. Most airlines only allow a certain number of pets per flight. Also keep in mind the airlines often charge extra fees and impose size restrictions and specific carrier requirements for animals.
During the summer months, pavement, rocks, and sand can become too hot to handle. Keep a few sets of disposable booties on hand to protect DUKE's feet from frying.
Does your dog enjoy going for a swim? What dog doesn’t? Make sure to put a life vest on DUKE before he goes bounding into the water.
Put a life vest on DUKE even if he’s just surf-watching inside a boat.
Does the hotel where you’re headed allow pets? Make sure it does before booking the room.
When packing for your room in the pet-friendly hotel, make sure you bring along a sign to place on your door that warns “Pets Inside!” This way, the hotel cleaning person will know to watch for animals before entering the room.
Have a great trip! Check back with us for more pet safety tips.