Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bark Buckle UP's Christina Selter Pet Expert in Fido Friendly

There you have it Christina Selter Pet Expert from Bark Buckle UP featured in Fido Friendly spread. Great Article written by the wonderful Laurie Jacobson.

Seat belts aren't just for people. In a collision at just 35 mph, physiscs is not in favor of a dog. A 60 pound dog becomes a 2700 pound projectile---What 60 pounds that the size of my Golden Retriever.

"Seat belts protect millions of americans every day, why not secure your pet, for your safety, their safety, your passengers and our first responders". First responders are at risk for injury/dog bite or worse delay in getting to you and yours. Be Smart Ride Safe.

Check out the fantastic article on online http://www.BarkBuckleUP.com click on Press
Laurie is also a Los Angeles Historian read more on her at her website http://www.lauriejacobson.com/