Like I stated in the video, safety costs us nothing -- only a few extra moments of our time -- Yet, a lack of precautionary measures can cost us everything; including the health, or lives, of our animal companions. At Mission: P.E.T.S. we strive to provide our readers, whom we consider our extended family, with knowledge, awareness and fun in an effort to enrich and save the lives of animals. Through passion and education, Mission: P.E.T.S. is sure that, together, we can make a difference. We are completely dedicated to the world of animals, bettering the lives of both animals, and the people who love them.
It is so important to remain open minded, and open our hearts, to information that can be shared through channels like Bark Buckle UP and their campaigns. The same is true for the information we share in our FREE quarterly e-zine, The birth of the e-zine was not only a childhood dream, but a desperate effort to open a channel of communication where people can learn all about animals, including maintaining their wellness and safety. As a passionate animal lover, lifelong enthusiast and a dedicated volunteer in animal rescue, I created the e-zine out of my complete love and adoration for our faithful animal friends. I wanted to give animal lovers a place where they can share their joy, their stories and their sorrows, while at the same time educating the public about animal issues in hopes of paving the way for a more humane and friendly world for our dear companions.
In addition to sharing safety tips from experts, amongst other informational articles, Mission: P.E.T.S. has created a campaign for the less fortunate animals out there... and trust me, there are too many of them. It’s called TAG! YOU’RE IT! The concept is, now that you’ve been hit, pass on information you’ve attained. And hopefully the person you’ve “tagged” will do the same.
Don’t we all know that sometimes our world can seem cold and uninviting? No one knows this better than our innocent animal companions. Millions of animals are abused, neglected, mistreated, starved, euthanized... never given a chance and all without a whisper or voice.
TAG! YOU'RE IT! is a revolution, an awakening. Through awareness and education, one ordinary person can make a positive difference in the silent lives of these animals. Through very simple steps and a change in perspective, we can all change the world for the better for our beloved friends all over. Take the first step today to help the plight of animals. Spread the word - share your knowledge - and continue the cycle. Even sharing what seems like common knowledge, for example, “Hey, bark buckle up the whole family!” can go a long way. Those 7 words can save lives. It’s that simple.
Knowledge is meant to be shared. I have created Mission: P.E.T.S. as a portal to do just that. I search far and wide for professionals, volunteers, animal lovers and the like to keep you informed. And that’s why, when offered the chance to work with Bark Buckle UP on their new campaign, I jumped at it. Keeping them safe, whether they are at home or on the road, should be a top priority for all of us out there sharing our homes, our lives, and our hearts with animals. I may not be Cesar Millan, but hey, I’ve got a voice, too, and a true love for animals. This is not my hobby; this is my life.

Written By: Camille Adams from Mission: P.E.T.S.
About; Mission: P.E.T.S. (Passion, Education, Togetherness, Salvation) is a FREE online magazine for dedicated animal lovers. Created by Camille L. Adams, to fulfill a childhood dream, Mission: P.E.T.S. is dedicated and solely interested in enriching and saving the lives of animals, together, with YOU. Through passion and education, Mission: P.E.T.S. is sure that we can make a difference. Our mission is to provide knowledge, awareness and fun for our viewers and our readers. We are completely dedicated to the world of animals, bettering the lives of both animals and the people who love them. In our quarterly e-zine, you can get how-to tips from the experts on proper care, safety & training techniques. Learn how to deepen the bond with your companion animals, read about volunteer organizations & rescue efforts, (and find out how you can help). Open your eyes to unique & alternative wellness techniques and so much more! Best of all, this wealth of knowledge is absolutely, 100% FREE! We invite you to share your ideas, stories and photos with us! And check out our online shop. A % of all profits go to animal rescue and other worthy non-profits. For your FREE subscription, please go to: and to read our current issue, go to
About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
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