Dog parks are opening everywhere at a rapid pace. Once kept quiet, their presence is making headlines nationwide. As a result, more and more dog owners are considering taking their pooch to the dog park. After all, the weather is beautiful and your pooch needs a place to run! But...before you go running to the dog park with Fido, make sure he or she is ready.
Here's a checklist of items that need to be fulfilled before you take the plunge to the park:
Your dog must be spayed or neutered! And most dog parks will ask for proof from your veterinarian before allowing you entry. Female dogs in heat can cause a fight between the unaltered males. And, there is already an over-population of puppies and dogs nationwide! Do your part - make sure your dog is spayed or neutered before bringing him or her around other dogs.
The same is true for vaccinations. Most dog parks will ask for proof of a Rabies vaccination from your veterinarian. In addition to vaccinations, consider your dog's overall health before taking him or her to the dog park. Have you noticed any fleas, mites or any other illness that your dog may spread to the other pooches at the park? You can't guarantee the other dogs at the park are in great health, but you can make sure that your dog is to avoid putting other pets in harm's way.
Has Fido been to obedience training classes? You should really evaluate the overall behavior of your dog before you determine whether or not he or she is ready to go to the dog park. Your pet's recall should be on-point. Recall is when your dog responds consistently to a “come” command. This will help in any event where you may need to get your dog back to your side...whether you're leaving the park, or trying to avoid a dog fight by calling your dog away from another.
What's more, be completely confident that your dog is not aggressive with other dogs. If your dog has exhibited any aggressive behavior, consult a trainer before taking Fido to the dog park. After all, you can only vouch for your own dog's behavior. And knowing how he or she will react to dogs with all different temperaments will help you in determining if the park is the right place for you and your best friend.
Another good idea is to visit your local dog park at all different hours. Check out the general schedule of the other park-dwellers, so you can introduce your dog at an off-time when there are only a couple of dogs around. Occasionally, dogs in a pack can be overwhelming for a newcomer. If you sense your dog is responding aggressively, leave the park.
If Fido doesn't fit the bill for the doggie park, there are plenty of other ways to give your dog some play time. Take a ride to a secluded beach or field and run your dog on a long rope (pet stores sell 25 to 50 foot ropes). This will give your dog the feeling of freedom, but ensure his or her safety!
If Fido has passed all the requirements on the checklist with flying colors, the dog park may be the perfect place for you two to enjoy the day! Make sure to bring along some water, a towel and a brush (your dog may end up very dirty from rolling around with his new-found friends). Also, don't forget those poop bags to clean up after your pooch. And...most of all, remember to have fun! The dog park is not only a great place for your dog to play, but for you to catch some downtime hanging out with other dog owners like yourself.
About; Mission: P.E.T.S. (Passion, Education, Togetherness, Salvation) is a FREE online magazine for dedicated animal lovers. Created by Camille L. Adams, to fulfill a childhood dream, Mission: P.E.T.S. is dedicated and solely interested in enriching and saving the lives of animals, together, with YOU. Through passion and education, Mission: P.E.T.S. is sure that we can make a difference. Our mission is to provide knowledge, awareness and fun for our viewers and our readers. We are completely dedicated to the world of animals, bettering the lives of both animals and the people who love them. In our quarterly e-zine, you can get how-to tips from the experts on proper care, safety & training techniques. Learn how to deepen the bond with your companion animals, read about volunteer organizations & rescue efforts, (and find out how you can help). Open your eyes to unique & alternative wellness techniques and so much more! Best of all, this wealth of knowledge is absolutely, 100% FREE! We invite you to share your ideas, stories and photos with us! And check out our online shop. A % of all profits go to animal rescue and other worthy non-profits. For your FREE subscription, please go to: www.missionpets.com/enroll.html and to read our current issue, go to www.missionpets.com/magazine.html.
About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
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