With busy work schedules, errands and social lives, it can become difficult to find the time your pets require to maintain optimal health. The key is to build your own exercise routine along with your pet's! Develop a schedule where you pencil in "exercise" time just as if you were scheduling an appointment. This system makes it less likely for you to "skip" your time together.
So, how much time do you pencil in? Many experts believe that thirty minutes, four times a week is sufficient. If you have the time to devote, a daily routine would be preferential! These standards are set for pets of normal health, and if you feel your pet has any physical limitations or disabilities, you should consult with your local veterinarian before creating a fitness plan.
If you have a dog, there are many options out there for your fitness routine! Some games or exercise methods that work for dogs are:
- A long walk around the neighborhood or a park
- Take your dog on a jog with you, roller-blade alongside your dog, or bike ride with your dog on your side
- Play a competitive game of fetch
- If your dog loves the water, go swimming together or play a retrieval game in the water
- Choose a game that you and your pet enjoy that gets your blood pumping, and have fun with it!
If you own a cat, the type of exercise you engage in can differ dramatically from that of a dog. Cats enjoy romping, chasing and wrestling in their natural environment. They also like chasing toys or objects where their instincts kick in to stalk and pounce. When choosing a fitness regimen for your cat, there are many interactive exercises to choose from to keep your kitty entertained.
Some exercises you can try to keep your cat in good health are:
- Play a game of fetch with a furry mouse toy or other small "prey" item your cat will enjoy
- Feather toys or other toys with handles or tied to strings will keep your kitty entertained
- Throw a toy ball for your cat to chase
- Catnip toys will hold your kitty's attention
- Try other toys or items that you find your cat loves and have a good time with it!
Whichever game you choose to play with your beloved cat, just remember to keep it going for at least fifteen minutes twice a day to benefit your cat's health and happiness.
Don't forget about your pet's diet! Just as diet is important to us as part of our overall health, your pet is no different. A dog or cat who exercises a minimum of 30 minutes, four times a week may need more nutrients than a couch-potato pet. If your pet is overweight and you'd like to implement a diet plan into the overall health regimen, you can try a lower calorie food. Before deciding on a diet for your pet, be sure to check with your local veterinarian or health food provider. You can always do your own research to supplement the advice given to you by local professionals.
By practicing an exercise routine and diet plan with your pet, you are on your way to better health for both of you! The benefits you will experience are worth the effort and hard work.
Some benefits you'll receive from your dedication:
Your dog or cat will begin to gain social skills by interacting with you and the outside world, if you choose to take your pet out of your home for your routine
The bond between you and your pet will begin to strengthen and you will become more of a "pack," making your home a happier and healthier place for both of you
Many times, exercise or play will reinforce discipline, which is health for your pet
Pets who experience mental and physical stimulation tend to have fewer behavioral problems
As the owner, you will be exercising alongside your pet for a healthier, happier life
Overall, your pet's mental and physical health will improve, allowing him or her to lead a longer, happier life with you as part of your family.
Written By: Camille Adams from Mission: P.E.T.S.
About; Mission: P.E.T.S. (Passion, Education, Togetherness, Salvation) is a FREE online magazine for dedicated animal lovers. Created by Camille L. Adams, to fulfill a childhood dream, Mission: P.E.T.S. is dedicated and solely interested in enriching and saving the lives of animals, together, with YOU. Through passion and education, Mission: P.E.T.S. is sure that we can make a difference. Our mission is to provide knowledge, awareness and fun for our viewers and our readers. We are completely dedicated to the world of animals, bettering the lives of both animals and the people who love them. In our quarterly e-zine, you can get how-to tips from the experts on proper care, safety & training techniques. Learn how to deepen the bond with your companion animals, read about volunteer organizations & rescue efforts, (and find out how you can help). Open your eyes to unique & alternative wellness techniques and so much more! Best of all, this wealth of knowledge is absolutely, 100% FREE! We invite you to share your ideas, stories and photos with us! And check out our online shop. A % of all profits go to animal rescue and other worthy non-profits. For your FREE subscription, please go to: www.missionpets.com/enroll.html and to read our current issue, go to www.missionpets.com/magazine.html.
About: Bark Buckle UP® founder Christina Selter “Pet Safety Lady” works with first responders nationwide teaching pet safety and has buckled UP more then 10,000 pets. Education is the first step to show that pet safety is connected to human safety, which helps to save lives. Christina has been featured in more then 1200 TV, radio, segments including print and online takes it over tens of thousands, Bark Buckle UP received more then 100 MILLION in circulations/impressions in 2008 and she has directed, produced several pet safety PSA’s and created Be Smart Ride Safe-take the pledge Buckle Up the whole family.
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