AKC Pet First Aid Kit
The American Kennel Club® and Rayco International’s division, First Aid USA™, have developed the AKC Pet First Aid Kit designed specifically with four-legged friends in mind.

What makes the AKC Pet First Aid Kit unique is the fact that it is a full emergency kit, covering incidents ranging from national disasters to the simple removal of a tick. The kit includes a waterproof emergency ID tag and information card, a thermal foil emergency blanket, emergency lead with reflective tape, a collapsible waterproof bowl, all within a multi-functional travel bag. In all, the kit includes 51 items ranging from alcohol cleansing pads and fur-friendly vet wrap to tweezers with an attached magnifying glass and Pet Safety Pamphlet. At a suggested retail price of $24.95, the kit is priced significantly lower than other kits on the market and offers dog owners twice the value.
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