Monday, June 27, 2011

Hiking and Camping with your Dog Tips from Pet Safety Lady

Pet Safety Lady founder of Bark Buckle UP LIVE on Fox & Friends with tips for camping, hiking even RVing with your dog and some great pet products to take along.

Its Summer Vacation time so get out doors with your pets take em along exercise get healthy and be safe this summer!

Camping, hiking active outdoor pet tips from Christina Selter "Pet Safety Lady" Top Five Tips from PSL:
Check first to make sure your campsite allows pets
Pack gear (boots, backpack, sunscreen, food, fresh water)
Beware of insect bites (fleas, ticks, bees, wasps, mosquitos)
Fresh food Hydration
Extremely hot days and refrain from physical activity also leave your dog unattended in direct sunlight or in a closed vehicle

LIVE from NY, Pet Safety Lady Founder of Bark Buckle UP on Fox and Friends

LIVE from NY, Pet Safety Lady Founder of Bark Buckle UP on Fox and Friends After the Show Show