Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pet Safety on Thanksgiving

Helpful Thanksgiving Tips from Bark Buckle UP for your Pet’s Safety
Holiday Pet Safety Tips

Table scraps too many not good may cause tummy ache, little nibblet of turkey is ok

Dogs can choke on bones, which splinter easily

Some herbs can make dogs sick: sage contains essential oils and resins that can cause pets to suffer tummy upset and possible depression of the central nervous system

Undercooked or raw turkey may contain salmonella bacteria

Some fruits are also not good for dogs grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure

Other poisonous items for your family pets are garlic, onions or chocolate, as well as the sweetners with xylitol, which could lead to a sudden drop in blood sugar, causing seizures and even liver failure in some cases

Of course going to visit grandma on Thanksgiving Day you need to travel safe with your family pets. So Be Smart Ride Safe for the whole family